Wednesday, September 30, 2015

World of spirituality

World of spirituality, celebrating International day of Non-violence

                                                                                                           Ankur Bora

Mahatma Gandhi, who led India to independence, has been the inspiration for non-violent movements for civil rights and social change across the world. Throughout his life, Gandhi remained committed to his belief in non-violence, even under oppressive conditions and in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Today  2nd October, on the United Nation’s International day of nonviolence, coinciding with Gandhi’s birthday, we reflect on spirituality, the essence and pillar of Mahatma.
Throughout his life, Gandhi performed incredible amount of work, whether leading hundreds of thousands of people through the length and breadth of India or in the relentless schedule of conversation with political leaders and followers. Gandhi could move the mountain as the saying goes and he never seemed to tire of his work. Contrast this with most of us who do an hour's work and then lose interest or become fatigued. How was it possible? Gandhi inculcated a mind which can see any situation with pristine clarity. Like a magnifying glass he was able to see all the details with heightened awareness. Most decisions in the world are influenced by personal likes and dislikes –narrow prejudice and intolerance often supersedes the human goodness leading to distorted views. All through his life, Gandhi though remained focused and steadfast on his believes, never diverted by any such external impulses.
The higher consciousness thus acquired, elevated Gandhi to the world of spirituality. Spirituality underlies all religions—it’s a universal human yearning for connecting with the Transcendental Being, whether known as the impersonal Brahman of Vedanta or as personal God called Ishwara, Allah or Christ. Each man is a universe in miniature, each human are connected and part of the whole – which is the essence of spirituality. For Gandhi, spirituality is the bridge which connects all human being. Throughout his life, Gandhi truly believed in the inherent divinity of man, the unity of all existence, and the validity of all religions as different paths leading to the same destination of truth, peace, and harmony. The spiritual evolution of Gandhi is an epic tale; there were different sources of Gandhi’s divine inspiration and one of them was Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda always held that in spiritual matters India is and will be the teacher to the mankind. As early as eighteen century, he was the first to talk about interfaith harmony, peace and universal spiritual brotherhood. Vivekananda took part at the maiden World Parliament of religion, Chicago in 1893, as a representative of Hinduism. But his message was so universal that Vivekananda became the representative of all religions of the world. While others addressed the gathering as “Ladies and Gentlemen” he addressed them as “Sisters and Brothers.” With this he won the hearts of millions of people. Gandhi imbibed this spiritual vision of Vivekananda – to consider everybody as his own, dear and near and as sisters and brothers. Gandhi himself proclaimed “I have gone through his works very thoroughly, and after having gone through them, the love that I had for my country became a thousand-fold”.
Mahatma Gandhi was a true Yogi who performed his duty with equanimity, free from joy, anger, fear or anxiety. Every action of Gandhi was for the overall good of the people of India. None of his activities were done as a favor. He acted because something needed to be done; the situation demanded it to be so. Where did Gandhi receive these virtues from? It is most likely that Gandhi practiced Kriya Yoga, initiated to him by the spiritual saint Paramahansa Yogananda. Yogananda, widely revered as the father of Yoga in West, was the founder of Self-Realization Fellowship, a worldwide spiritual organization.
Like Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda arrived in America in 1920 to speak
at the Congress of Religious Liberals in Boston. In the long four decades that followed, he taught the balanced, liberating teachings of original Yoga from the Bhagavad Gita and original Christianity from the New Testament, the Kriya Yoga, and other advanced meditation techniques. His best known work, "Autobiography of a Yogi", is a spiritual classic that gives the readers new insights and inspiration to seek Truth, to experience deeper awareness and love. Paramahansa Yogananda was a great spiritual leader, building a lasting bridge of World Brotherhood based on raising the spiritual awareness between the East and West. On his historic trip to India in 1935-36, Mahatma Gandhi asked that Yogananda initiate himself and his staff into the sacred science of Kriya Yoga.

Whatever the stories we tell ourselves about whom we are and however powerful we think our religious doctrines or rituals are, in the end it is the power of goodness, kindness, and love that unites. Gandhi is admired by people from various communities around the world, for he stands as a guiding light for a universal goal of truth, justice and love. Today, Yoga and spirituality become a new sensation in India, and it is spreading all over the world. Following in the spiritual and inspirational footsteps of Gandhi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has touched and changed millions of lives through his teachings, youth programs and social initiatives. Let’s the spirit of human solidarity and kinship grow, let’s foster greater friendship, respect and understanding among our various spiritual traditions and let’s contribute toward a more peaceful world. Gandhi lived that, and we remember him, and honor him, always.

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Gift for Gurudev

A Gift for Gurudev (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)

Gurudakshina is an ancient tradition of expression of gratitude for our Teacher, for the knowledge and wisdom we have been blessed with. Through honoring the source, we tune into a greater flow of prosperity in every aspects of our lives. Sri Sri taught us that love is the essence of the universe and love in action is We recently celebrated the International Yoga Day event at the Mahatma Gandhi Plaza located in Irving, Texas. It was also our service (seva) to the beautiful celebrated statue of Gandhi which bears testimony to the tolerance and harmony between people, culture and faith. The Yoga Day was also a  journey renewing the team spirit of Art of Living , Dallas chapter. We decided to prepare a photo album of those inspiring, joyful, compassionate and loving moments.  The album titled 'A day in harmony with Nature , Gandhi and Gurudev' was presented to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on 3rd of July 2015. during his stay at the hotel InterContinental in Dallas. The executive body of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT) was also present during the meeting, MGMNT also extended a warm invitation to Sri Sri to visit the plaza. The photo album was prepared courtesy of LINEINMOTION studio and the caption lines were taken from the article below.

                                                                                                            Ankur Bora
21st June, the international day of Yoga was a historical day for the entire world. Millions of yoga enthusiasts across India and much of the world took part in the Yoga exercise to mark the first International Yoga Day. It was a day of peace and harmony which made us realize that we, the global citizen, can stay connected and create an intimate place for fellow human being. In the city of Irving, a suburb of Dallas , Texas , we celebrated the day with Art of Living (AOL) in association with Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas.

The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial plaza is one of the most recognized landmarks in the state of Texas. The memorial plaza was built, last year, through support and contributions from all regions, religion and races joining hands together- a symbol of unity which Mahatma Gandhi lived and sacrificed his life for. The Art of Living (AOL) was founded in 1981 by global humanitarian, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. AOL has thirty-four years of experience servicing Yoga to more than 30 million people globally. With 22,000 volunteer yoga instructors globally, AOL operates in a 152 countries and works in special consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council on a variety of health and educational initiatives.

Walking as an exercise is a Gandhian ideology. The noble statue itself, him holding his legendary walking sticks and in a walking posture, is a searing image of healthy body and harmonious mind. Gandhi also taught us Karma yoga (the yoga of action) – to yoke our emotions to intelligence and perform our duty with equanimity. Mahatma brought up in the tradition of bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion) - to see the Divine in everything and to find wisdom and beauty, even in a way of life different from our own. There is no better place than Gandhi Memorial to explore our theme of Yoga for peace and harmony and that’s how we decided to organize the maiden International day of Yoga at the plaza. Surrounded by lush greeneries, plants and the translucent water of the lake flowing across, the park provided the perfect spot for our event.
On the event day, we were greeted with intermittent rain showers. It was not the most auspicious start to the event and we were worried. The early morning shower, though, could not dampen the spirit of hundreds of participants who turned up for the event at the complex. Not only did the rain fail to forestall the festivities, it heightened the spirits among those brave souls who refused to be scared off. As the event progressed, many of us, in fact, began to embrace the rain.

The function commenced with a recitation of the immortal shloka - “Asato ma sadgamaya, Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya”.  The chanting was a perfect doorway to our Yoga practice. All of the participants were instructed to follow the teacher and we began to chant in rhythm.  The Sanskrit verse, praying to dispel darkness and enrich the individual and the humanity with enlightenment, peace and prosperity, reverberated sweeping across the surrounding. When I was deep in recitation , I felt the soft touch of the rain – falling in perfect liquid soft beads – as if the sky is inhabited by milliards elegant beings wearing transparent beads who decided to tear the threads from their beads and let them all drop down to us below. The chanting continued for nearly ten minutes, then the air came to a stilled hush and the meditation commenced.

The next session was “Pranayama”.  A senior Teacher with the Art of Living Foundation explained to the audience, “Prana means “breath” or “life-force” while ayama means “regulation” or “control”. Together, they refer to the prolongation of breath and as well as restrain and control. Under the guidance of the teacher, we set about a series of pranayama postures. Sitting in an easy cross legged position in the Yoga mat, with the feet directly beneath the knees, we began to take deep breaths of equal proportions. Breathing in through nose and exhaling only through nostrils, I tried to develop a comfortable rhythm. We gradually felt a harmony of thought, word and deed. Even the rain stopped bothering us. The sound of the rain, the touch of water and the fresh air brought by the rain revitalized our entire body at once and we became completely in peace with Nature.
We began the next session with a series of “Hatha Yoga”. The Yoga teacher shared the deeper life enhancing aspects of this rich tradition while instructing the attendees. Hatha Yoga, which is commonly referred to as asana, is the most well-known Yoga practices; the activity of this form of asana involves low-impact physical exercise with slow, even breathing. We were told to move at a deliberate pace with the emphasis on proper alignment and execution. We were explained – “The aim is to gradually improve flexibility, balance, and strength. Hatha Yoga (“Ha” meaning sun, “Tha” meaning moon) which refers to a vast area of doctrines and practices centers on harnessing the prana, or life-force energy, that circulates throughout the human body. The meaning of the word itself conveys the intention of bringing two world of opposition together. It is a physical practice towards a spiritual goal”. Throughout the practice of asana, we were using the body as a tool to shape ourselves for the experience of union with our higher or supreme consciousness. Through the twisting of body and focused breathing during the practices, I felt my internal organs and bloodstreams were purified.

The mind is compared to the surface of a lake ruffled by the wind. It is said that the purpose of the Yoga is to cause the wind to subside and allow the waters to return to stillness. That day, none of us rushed to the car or looked for shelters when rain started. Instead, we acquired a steady yoga mind to enjoy the soft, warm and clean raindrops
While many people use Yoga to improve their physical well -being, the deeper life-enhancing aspect of this rich tradition had largely been unexplored.  Fortunately, over the past several decades there has been an enormous increase in Yoga-related studies which is bringing the profound depth of the inner teachings of Yoga into focus.  There is expanded awareness from the narrow view of Yoga as a posture to the broader and deeper understanding of Yoga as a whole system of health and self -awareness. As Yoga has become increasingly popular as a form of exercise and stress management, a lot of people are now eager to explore its potential for spiritual growth and personal healing. With the heightened awareness, brought forth by the International Day of Yoga, this ancient tradition will certainly take off into a place of deep, lasting peace, harmony and happiness.

Many of the world’s current problems are rooted in supposed differences. We stand divided by man-made concepts of separation. The teaching of Yoga is that every-one of us are part of the whole; no matter what our beliefs, we were born together into humanity. It is possible to create resilient and adaptive global communities that welcome our diversity as well as togetherness.  That day, as we converged to the statue of Gandhi, joining hand in hand, many of us were transformed with new perspectives – a resolve to incorporate compassion and mindfulness into daily life and to bring a sense of purpose.  All of us felt the call to maintain the temple of the spirit—the human body, to enhance one’s wellness, to fight against prejudices, and to reach a place of deep, lasting peace, harmony and happiness.

Monday, June 22, 2015

A day in Harmony with Nature, Gandhi and Gurudev

A day in Harmony with Nature,  Gandhi and Gurudev

21st June, the international day of Yoga was a historical day for the entire world. Millions of yoga enthusiasts across India and much of the world took part in the Yoga exercise to mark the first International Yoga Day. It was a day of peace and harmony which made us realize that we, the global citizen, can stay connected and live in union with nature. In the city of Irving , a suburb of Dallas , Texas , we celebrated the day with Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT), in association with Art of Living (AOL)

On the event day, we were greeted with intermittent rain showers. It was not the most auspicious start to the event and we were worried. The early morning shower, though, could not dampen the spirit of hundreds of participants who turned up for the event at the complex. Not only did the rain fail to forestall the festivities, it heightened the spirits among those brave souls who refused to be scared off. The function started with a short speech by  Dr. Prasad Thotakura on the significance of the event. Afterwards, audience were introduced to Mr. Taiyab Kundawala, Mr. Rao Kalvala (Secretary),  Mrs. Shabnam Modgil of MGMNT and Ankur Bora , AOL and  the coordinator of the event. Rajneesh  Gupta of AOL in his opening remark , talked on the importance of International Yoga Day, UN Declaration , How Art Of Living is involved in the spreading the awareness about Yoga and its benefits.

The function started with a recitation of the Sanskrit shloka, “Asato ma sadgamaya, Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya “  , a Sanskrit verse praying to dispel darkness and enrich the individual and the humanity with enlightenment, peace and prosperity. Deepa Koshaley , who has over 10 years of experience in yoga and breathing techniques , led this session.
Shreedhar Thuljaram, a senior Yoga Teacher with the Art of Living Foundation led the next session with a series of  “Hatha Yoga”. Shreedhar was supported by  Mr. Sapan Shah , Dr Nick Saraf , Ms. Svetlana and Mr. Bala , who positioned at different corners of the stage , displayed the postures to the audience as the instructions were made.

Towards the end , the audience were greeted by the art of living singers. The team of  Rohit Gajjela,  Geeta Verma ,  Jwala  and Gayatri Vedantam played “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram” , “Amazing Grace” and “ham honge kaamyaab” ( 'We shall overcome' ). The program ended with a vote of thanks and refreshment served by Anvi and Riddhi Bora

We sincerely wish that MGMNT will continue to work with AOL to make the 21th June an annual event at the plaza and also collaborate on future events. 
With Thanks,

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The journey

                                 The journey

                                                                                             By  Ankur Bora
Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches us a lot about our destination. Sometimes, the pathway to the destination is not a straight line and we don’t reach our goal. And we still cherish them because of the people we meet, knowledge we acquire and the experience we gain. It is said that the best things happen when you least expect it, which sets you on a course that you never planned and into a future you never imagined.

I recently experienced the same when we organized an event on 13th June at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial plaza located in the city of Irving. Organized by The Art of Living Worldwide, the event titled ‘Sun never sets on yoga’ is prelude to the maiden UN International Yoga Day on 21th. Shreedhar Thuljaram, a senior Yoga Teacher with the Art of Living Foundation led the session with a series of  “sun salutation”. Mr. Shreedhar shared the deeper life enhancing aspects of this rich tradition while instructing the attendees. One of the participants was Mr. Jeremy Mayer. Himself a Yoga teacher, Mr. Mayer expressed and talked about his profound spiritual journey. It was a short event where we were able to rehearse and prepare for the incoming Yoga day celebration coming Sunday. As I was wrapping up, a gentleman arrived; he had driven all the way from Waco for the day’s event.  As I greeted him, I felt a sense of wholeness I had never felt before and this story is about this special person and his association with Gurudev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Neetin Pandya has been a practicing Yoga teacher for 45 years. He arrived in USA in the year 1981 eventually settling in Waco, a town in Texas. In around 1996, Mr. Neetin and a few Indian community members hosted Gurudev in Dallas when Sri Sri was invited to a religious conference by university of Dallas. Nitin was telling me about his first meeting with Gurudev, It seems his memory is never dimmed by those long past years. The following is an alluring account of that special day in his own words -

                              When Gurudev cooked a meal for mother

In that time – there were so few Indians that we formed one family ; everybody knew each other very well and we went all together to meet Gurudev. Shri Shri has a child-like quality of wide-eyed trust and belief with Him. He is so simple, yet sensitive to everyone around him as if he understands each one of us. My mother, herself an accomplished Yoga teacher was also with me that day. As we continued our conversation with Gurudev , my mother stepped out into the kitchen to prepare lunch. Then, all of a sudden, Gurdev addressing my mother very lovingly, said “Maya ( Mother ) , you have been serving every day , Let’s your son prepare food  for you today.”  My mother and everyone present were wonder struck. My mother’s heart was overflowing with love and gratitude that someone actually paid attention to her years of service – she felt soaked in love and drenched in joy. We had the most delicious lunch ever. This amazingly wonderful feeling that he loves us so much would stay with me forever.

We arrived at the university auditorium early. No one had arrived yet. As we moved to the entrance, Gurudev gently enquired, “Is it OK to enter beforehand?” After assuring Gurudev we proceeded through the main gate. The long empty corridor leading to the stage was completely dark. For few moments, we were lost; I somehow was able to find the switch panel, as I turned it on, a bright light illuminated the hall and everyone found their way.

The conference was attended by religious leaders, each faith represented by a knowledgeable scholar. “Every religious has its unique tradition, but the underlying values are same - these values can heal the world”. Gurudev’s word immediately struck a chord with the audience. His easy, unremarkable demeanor made everyone realize the unity of spirituality.  I had the kind of epiphany that seems so obvious after Gurudev addressed the audience. Gurudev continued, “The differences among the followers of different faiths are marginal and it is the common points that have fundamental significance.”  Towards the end of the meeting, audience was given the opportunity to ask questions. One of the questions put forth was about evil “Your holiness, do you believe in evil?” It was a simple question and I heard the most profound answer. I can't recall the exact wording, it’s something similar to: - “I don’t believe in evil, but I know evil is a shadow or lack of goodness. It's absence of goodness, absence of love, absence of light. If you walk into a window-less room, the room is completely dark. When you flip the switch, lightness shines. The light comes from electricity and electricity comes from different power sources. But the light always remains the same pure light - It is one and the same substance. And light is the common thread in different religions and all religious paths lead to the same truth.”

It was absolute grace and a beautiful opportunity to experience wisdom of Gurudev – Even now, nineteen years later , His words remain etched into my consciousness  . They have given me joy, energy, knowledge, blessings and love in abundance. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

International Day of Yoga with Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas

AOL to celebrate International Day of Yoga with Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas
The Art of Living Foundation (AOLF) is celebrating the very first United Nations International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2015. In Irving, AOL coordinator is teaming up with the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT) for the event. 
International Day of Yoga: 21st June at 8 AM

The celebration of yoga day will commence at Mahatma Gandhi Plaza Irving on 21th at 8 AM with a 90-minute session featuring physical practices: moving through the yoga poses and postures, meditation through breathing and breathing exercises and songs for relaxation. The event is open to public and free of cost. 
Sun Never Sets on Yoga :   13th June at 10 AM
The AOL Nat'l Teachers Coordinator desk, USA has also prepared a number of events prior to the Yoga day including Sun Never Sets on Yoga : In Irving the event is planned on 13th June at 10 AM also at Gandhi Plaza and the participants will greet the day with  a series of sun salutations, or surya namaskars. The Sun Never Sets on Yoga will be celebrated in all the time zone, across the world , with the first rays of the sun all around the earth and marking  a complete circle starting in one city and ending with another sunrise, 24 hours later.  
All the AOL volunteers are requested to participate in both the events.

Please contact Ankur Bora @ 2145969996 if you have any questions,

Walking with Gandhi

Walking with Gandhi

                                                                                                                 Ankur Bora
The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial plaza, located in the City of Irving is one of the most recognized landmarks in  Dallas, Texas. The author shares his experience and inspiration behind- in hosting the maiden International Day of Yoga on 21th June at the plaza.

Life is about sharing experiences; taking part in the activities around us and learning from each other. I consider myself very fortunate to take part in a special and unforgettable event – the inauguration of ‘Mahatma Gandhi Plaza’ in our neighborhood park located in the city of Dallas. The memorial plaza was built through support and contributions from all regions, religion and races joining hands together- a symbol of unity which Mahatma Gandhi lived and sacrificed his life for. The inauguration was marked by great moments of rejoice and celebration when Mr. Satish Dhupelia, the great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi who had come all the way from South Africa, led the Gandhi peace walk. Listening to Gandhi’s grandson,  that lasting change can be achieved through small, personal acts of kindness and selflessness, was an epiphany that changed my whole view of life.

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Plaza now stands tall among all the other iconic memorials in the USA. It is a culmination of four years of outstanding leadership, teamwork by the Dallas South Asian community. This is not an Indian American project but a global project since Gandhi belongs to the whole world.” – One of the organizers proclaimed. The grand unveiling of the memorial took place on 2nd of October 2014. Herewith the family members of Gandhi, of Martin Luther King Junior and of Nelson Mandela besides many other invited dignitaries from around the country and India were present. The sculptor and co-sculptor who carved the statue with remarkable craftsmanship came from Andhra Pradesh to participate in the celebration.

The Gandhi plaza is visually appealing. The 7-ft Bronze statue based on 6-ft pedestal is surrounded by stone walls, covered with elegant granite panels engraved with Gandhi’s quotations. As I began to inspect the engraving, I felt like a child who, when digging through the sand, finds some unexpected treasure. “No matter what amount of work one has, one should always find some time for exercise. Far from taking away from one’s capacity for work, it adds to it.” -  A simple yet profound treasure hidden in this message of Gandhi. When I pulled my wife over and directed her attention, I could see that she too appreciated the Gandhian way of keeping healthy, where  the noble statue itself symbolizes, him holding his legendary walking stick and in a walking posture, felt there could be no better exercise than walking. As I began to mingle with the crowd, I had the honor of conversing with a lady who had come from India just to be part of this momentous event. A teacher by profession, she is involved with the local ‘Mahatma Gandhi Khadi Ashram in Karnataka. Her gleaming face and blissful smile was striking to say the least. She expressed her gratitude to the teachings of Gandhi  and walking on the principles he had provided she said gave her immense strength and inner peace.              
The auspicious day started with the Mayor of the city of Irving, welcoming the crowd. After the introduction and in the midst of thunderous applause and a lot of excitement, Chief Guest Mr. Satish Dhupelia unveiled the “Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Plaza” showcasing Gandhi in the standing posture clad in a dhoti and holding a stick. His great grandson Mr. Satish is an amazing orator. In his brief speech, he narrated Gandhi’s life and his many unknown stories, including his quick wit and sense of humor. “Walking is the prince of all exercise, it’s a subtle magic that requires no elaborate equipment, and you take it where you go.” He was heard quoting Gandhi’s famous lines.  The momentum began to build. “How many of you know about the Salt March ? and how many miles did he walk?” Everybody was spellbound on hearing the answer – “Gandhi  walked continuously on this 24-day, 240-mile (390 km) march which started from Sabermanti near Ahmedabad  to the coastal town of Dandi on the Arabian Sea.” To me, Gandhi’s frail appearance was a mere façade beneath which hid the stamina and strength he so often displayed.

These words reverberated throughout as Satish Dhupelia began the peace walk. Walkers followed him carrying the US, the Indian, and the Texas flags. There were also placards with  Gandhian slogans. Balloons with Indian flag colors orange, white and green and also US flag colors red, white and blue were released into the bright sunny  skies. Many of the walkers  recited  Bapuji’s bhajan “Raghupati Raghava Raajaraam: Patita paavana sitaram.” It was an exhilarating experience; I was left speechless momentarily and the moment stirred my thoughts for days to come. 
The picturesque setting seemed surreal. A long ribbon of big white birds appeared from the east. They circled overhead and landed in the translucent water of the lake flowing across the park. As they started splashing in the tranquil water; I felt as if the universe was joining hands with us in unison!  I quickly slipped off my shoes and socks and began to walk barefoot. As I crunched the crisp leaves on the side walk with each step, I experienced a gift – a pure and simple moment of joy! Perhaps this is how life goes; you keep putting one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination.

As I was approaching the finishing line, a fellow walker handed me a flag of India. Touching the flag made me nostalgic for my past years. My paternal grandmother would tell me stories of  fearless freedom fighters, the followers of Gandhi. My ancestral home in India was then the center of the Freedom movement. During those days, once Pandit Nehru visited my home town. My grandfather, who was a lawyer and a prominent leader , constructed a house exclusively for him so that Nehru could stay comfortably. My grandmother was a keen follower of the affairs of the world ; She was eager to engage any and all who came to meet her in conversations about what we could and must do to make the world a better place . Fond memories of her came flooding back to me that morning at every step I took.

As we converged to the finishing line many of us were transformed with new perspectives – a resolve to walk to calm a stormy mind, to walk to connect with people, to walk to laugh and bring a sense of purpose in our lives.   All of us felt the call to maintain the temple of the spirit—the human body, to enhance one’s wellness, to fight against excuses, temptations, and laziness.  
As the crowd began to disperse, I wanted to see the great grandson of Mahatma one more time. I decided to walk up the stage. Mr. Satish Dhupelia stepped to the edge and reached out to take my outstretched hand in his and warmly greeted me - “spread the lessons of Gandhi wherever you go and whatever you decide to do ; Gandhi will be with you.”  
Art of Living & Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas team

The greatest teacher of Yoga is Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi taught us Karma yoga (the yoga of action) – to yoke our emotions to intelligence and perform our duty with equanimity. Gandhi brought up in the tradition of bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion)  - see the Divine in everything , find wisdom and beauty in a way of life different from our own. Mahatma Gandhi is the guiding light, a pillar of strength that can carry and lift us. Today I am immensely pleased, being able to organize the International Day of Yoga at the plaza. The beautiful celebrated statue of Gandhi bears testimony to the tolerance and harmony between people and cultures , reinforcing in us new aspirations and hopes of a more peaceful and joyful world.  


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

International Yoga day

Art of Living to celebrate International Yoga day

The Art of Living Foundation (AOLF) is celebrating the very first United Nations International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2015. It’s worth mentioning that more than 170 countries through the United Nation’s General Assembly Resolution (at Sixty-ninth session on  11th December 2014) declared the 21st of June as the International Day of Yoga. With its broad global presence, the Art of Living Foundation aims to unite with community members and organizations across the globe to celebrate the UN’s recognition of yoga.
Yoga in all its aspects enhances physical and emotional health, increases energy levels and improves inter-personal and societal relationships, leading to a more, stress-free, peaceful society. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar recently expressed in an interview – “Yoga offers many things to different people at many different levels--whatever they aspire for: union with the cosmic consciousness, or physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, spiritual ecstasy -- all this is part of yoga. Yoga is universal, it has something for everyone and Yoga is for everybody –Yoga transcends beyond the boundaries of nationality, cultures and religions.
A number of events have been planned prior to International Yoga day

Sun Never Sets on Yoga : 13th June or any prior day
To build the enthusiasm towards the upcoming International Day of Yoga, a group of yogis in their traditional dress, will gather in the morning in front of a landmark in each city. The event is planned on 13th June or any prior day and the participants will greet the day with  a series of sun salutations, or surya namaskars. The sun is ever-new, whose rays fill the entire world spreading light and hope. Like sun , Yoga is a guiding light to a healthy and happy life  benefiting the  humanity. With this unique effort, we wish that  on 13th June ,  the whole world will wake up to the benefits of yoga. To achieve this goal , the Sun Never Sets on Yoga will be celebrated in all the time zone, across the world , with the first rays of the sun all around the earth and marking  a complete circle starting in one city and ending with another sunrise, 24 hours later.  The event in each city will be videotaped  ; The Art of Living International Headquarters in Bangalore, India will then collate the footage and pictures from each city and make a film.  They will create a special anthem for this event on which the footage will be edited. This video will be distributed worldwide to the media two days (June 19th) before the International Day of Yoga.

Gift of Yoga : On-going until June 21
All certified Art of Living Yoga Teachers will conduct free, 2-hour yoga sessions for a holistic experience that includes asanas, pranayama and a short meditation.  The event is open to all – the participants will experience the immense benefits of Yoga firsthand, under the guidance of a trained Yoga teacher.

Yoga: A New Dimension International Day of Yoga on June 21
In the West,  people are most familiar with physical postures, or asana of Yoga. But yoga is more than a sophisticated system of exercise, or a method of health cultivation, although it definitely is both. Yoga offers something even more rare and valuable: a doorway into the fullness of our experience as embodied beings. It invites us to relax, to meditate, to breathe and move with mindfulness, and to cultivate awareness of our present experience. Against the backdrop of the longest day of the year, with the most commendable effort of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar , AOLF invites everyone to a spiritual awakening. All the Art of Living practitioners and volunteers, will celebrate the day , guiding the participants to all the dimension of yoga – practicing asana – revitalizing with breathing exercises or pranayama, meditating, doing service or seva and celebrating life.

We request all of your support towards the Art of Living’s Yoga Day Celebrations.

Gift of Yoga

Gift of Yoga :  interview with Rajneesh Gupta

Rajneesh Gupta is the Vice President of Strategy, M&A, and Analytics at Intuit corporation based in Dallas/Fort Worth. He has been involved with Art of Living ( AOL) for 11 years and is a certified Art of Living Happiness Program teacher. Rajneesh says the Art of Living Happiness program literally transformed his life- “The simple techniques have helped my physical health, emotional well-being, spiritual upliftment, and professional growth.” In this interview, Rajneesh shares his perspective, his association with AOL and the whole of Yoga.

Q: Could you tell us when and how you first got interested in Yoga ?
I have been interested in yoga since a very young age. However, I understood the true meaning of yoga only in 2004 after participating in the Art of Living Happiness Program.

Q: What do you love most about practicing Yoga?
Yoga is not something you do for a few minutes every day, and forget about rest of the day. Yoga integrates with your life and becomes a way of life. Yoga helps not just the body, but all the levels of one’s existence including the body, breath, mind, memory, ego, and intellect.

Q: How do you describe Yoga as a total mind, body and soul experience.
The word ‘Yoga’ literally means union. It represents the union of body and mind. One cannot be healthy without the other. Yoga is a holistic practice that integrates all the levels of human existence. That is what makes the practice of yoga ‘magical’.

Q: When and how did you decide to dedicate yourself to AOL ? Could please let us what people could expect from a AOL yoga course?
My very first Art of Living Happiness Program created a big shift in me. The techniques and knowledge was profound, yet very simple. Most importantly, I could easily integrate what I learnt in my life. That is what drove me to inspire others to experience the same joy I experienced through the Art of Living Happiness Program.
The Art of Living Happiness program brings one closer to the happiness and freedom that is already inside us. The experiential program is a lot of fun and included several techniques, interactions, processes, knowledge, and discussions to help us lead a life of inner silence and outer dynamism. Participants learnt a beautiful breathing technique called the ‘Sudarshan Kriya’ that uses the rhythms of the breath to purify our system at a deep physical and emotional level.

Q:What is meditation ? Why meditation
Meditation is the art of doing nothing, completely letting go. Effort is the language of the body, and effortlessness is the language of the mind. Meditation is deep relaxation, which erases all the negative impressions and renews the body and mind.

Q: Like everyone else,  I am so busy. How do you suggest I find the time to meditate?
You should meditate because you are so busy! Meditation gives you the energy to deal with the demands of your daily life.

Q: What is life purpose and why do you feel everyone has a life purpose?
I don’t know what the purpose of life is. I see this life as a beautiful journey of discovering our purpose. H H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says that one who knows the purpose of life will not tell you, and one who tells you does not know!

Q: What is the biggest secret about yoga that you wish both non-practicing and practicing participants knew?
Everything we are seeking in life is within us. We just need to look into ourselves.
Q: The Art of Living is celebrating World Yoga Day on June 21st , thus creating a mass awareness about the meaning of Yoga and its manifold benefits for humanity. You must be excited!
Yes, we will be holding programs across 100 cities in USA with thousands of participants. Join us!

Q: Tell us about the Gift of Yoga- The Art of Living Yoga-daan
We are gearing up to celebrate the International Yoga Day on June 21 in a big way. Leading up to June 21, all certified Art of Living Yoga Teachers will conduct free two hour Yoga Sessions from 1st May to 1st June 2015 to inspire people to join the main event on June 21. 

Lessons of Yoga

Lessons of Yoga

                                                                                              Ankur Bora
     True joy, real bliss lies in being able to stay connected to one’s inner being, to one’s own self, without having to put on a mask to face the outside world. Our real need is to realize our true nature - that feeling of total connectedness within ourselves and with others.   Yoga is a medium to experience this divine gift. Through the yoking of one’s body, mind and heart to a higher power of existence.
     Dinesh Kashikar (popularly known as Kashi Bhaya)- through  his teaching opened the door for me and many others to the arts of living well and better through the practice of Yoga and other aspects that come along with this beautiful art form. He brought to life the wisdom of ancient sages and made them relevant to us through personal anecdotes as well as  every day exercises.  
I came to know about Kashi Bhaya through my wife who had taken a course called “The Art Of Silence” at Art of Living ( AOL) Center in Irving , Texas . On asking my wife , “What did you like best about the course?”  she replied  swiftly – “His voice, his mesmerizing, divine voice singing  devotional songs that uplifted one’s mind and spirit to a crescendo.”  I was intrigued and wanted to meet him.    The very next day, I went on to meet Kashi Bhaiya and on asking him where he had learnt to sing so melodiously, his straight forward answer surprised me – “I had no formal training, I never even picked up an instrument – well I knew how to clap.”   He went on to explain – “Life is learning and in whatever manner one is able to help and make a difference, it’s worth doing. Singing is a wonderful opportunity to carry my master’s (His Holiness Sri Sri RaviShankar) message to as many people as possible.”

     The first life lesson for me is - We can grow beyond limiting beliefs and each one of us have an innate ability to lead a deeply fulfilling life. For that, we have to untie our physical and emotional knots, awaken our consciousness and let the inner spirit trace out the spark of life. This can be achieved through the t profound and integrated practice of Yoga.  It’s not about how perfectly we do Yoga .Its about taking out time each day to honor this beautiful yet powerful practice of the mind, the body and the soul. It’s about finding that perfect balance by  standing on one’s own limbs and getting to experience the unfolding of one’s own power from within.  My transformation for this Ancient and revered art happened when I eventually got to attend a four day Yoga  course  at the Art of LivingAshram located in Uvalde, Texas.

     The Ashram is located in the midst of a Texas Hill country surrounded by majestic hills and breathtaking flora and fauna. In the four days of our stay we experienced a wide range of Yoga practices – breathing to regulate the body’s energy, cleansing the body and mind, chanting to train and sharpen intellect and memory and meditation to deepen self-awareness. Throughout the course , Kashi Bhaya sought to  carry Sri Sri’s message through various talks and sessions, drawing attention to whatever Sri Sri focuses on. In one such session we were listening about Abhyasa (practice) and Vairagya (dispassion). We need to practice regularly and faithfully, but simultaneously let go of any expectations of any desired outcomes – that is Vairagya. Practice is about determination and focus and to perfect our practice , we should respect and honor every effort we make. Kashi Bhaya who has been staying in Japan as an Art of Living was telling us a special story about Japanese people– who practice the value of respect daily, and make it the forefront of how they interact with the world. One day, he was preparing for a Yoga session; he arrived half an hour early to set up the room and equipment. Everything was setup as planned, however no one turned up yet. He became worried. It was short-lived though – all the registered participants arrived right on the dot. “We did not want to disturb your preparation; we respect your work and time.”  Kashi Bhaya was sharing many such incidents, he is a great storyteller. For him, telling stories is as natural and as reflexive as breathing.  He is effortless yet engaging “You respect your own body and that is āsanas. You respect and honor your breath- that is prānāyāma. And when it is done over a period of time without any gap, respectfully and honoring it every day, then it becomes your effort firmly established.

The word seva means 'together with' and is describing those actions that seek collective upliftment through an understanding of the needs of others and are based on togetherness and integration. Ashram life provides the conditions and circumstances over which there is no control, and it is under these conditions that we practise seva. Kashi Bhaya was sharing with us his genesis to the Art of Living Ashram at Bangalore. After completing his master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at IIT, he moved to the ashram in 1998 and began looking after the administration, sometimes taking care of their publications and website. The Ashram at that time was small; there were handful of people and amenities were minimal. One day an industrialist arrived. He was very satisfied with his Ashram experience and reached to Sri Sri , “Sir , I would like to contribute to the Ashram ; I will build it as a full- fledged retreat with all the amenities.”  However, to the astonishment of all including Kashi, Sri Sri said no to the offer. Kashi Bhaya was recalling the incident with all of us. “It’s amazing how Guruji can bring out knowledge in every small incident. He wanted each of us to contribute building the Ashram. He had that vision – that each of us  will serve and realize seva and become a true Yogi.” It was also a great lesson and transformation for me – During my stay at Uvalde, I became part of the seva group for gardening ; I sat down pruning , feeding, and weeding the rose bushes lying around the Ashram. Today , I am immensely proud , the process of new growth leading to those cherished beautiful blooms has begun! 

     Throughout the course ,  Kashi Bhaya taught us a number of ancient practices of Yoga apart from the daily āsanas and prānāyāma. The first one is called ‘Shankhaprakshalana’. Shankha means "conch" and prakshalana is to wash completely. The word shankha is used to represent the entire alimentary canal from mouth to anus. The process cleans the intestinal tract by removing the impurities with salty water. Kashi Bhaya was explaining to us the broader meaning of Shankhaprakshalana’ – “it is actually a complete physiological overhaul, a time of revision when life changes direction, where the foundation for a positive fresh view of life was set.” The second one is neti kriya, more commonly referred to simply as neti pot. It is a simple procedure for maintaining nasal hygiene by means of irrigating the nostrils with warm salty water. Neti effectively removes dirt and bacteria filled mucus from the nasal passages. He also taught us Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” -  a simple but powerful technique that deeply relaxes the mind and body. Additionally , we learnt the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali including Kapalbhati , agnisara , Chandra Nadi (Left Nostril Breathing) and Surya Nadi (Right Nostril Breathing)

     “It is more practical and inspiring to be in the present moment and recognize its miracle." Kashi Bhaya  was explaining to us the nature and importance of mindfulness. In the last day of the course, all of us went walking to a nearby river. As we rested and began listening to the sounds of the running stream, we felt oneness with nature and with everyone else. Kashi ji was reciting to us – “The air we breathe is the same air that is breathed by all creatures, human and non-human throughout all of time. The air inside of you is the same as the year outside – feel it. The heat of the sun around you is the same as the heat inside your body – feel it. The earth element that you are sitting on is same as the elements inside you – feel it.” This recitation is a reminder that all we truly have are the moments that we are truly in. Past or future - not much else is as relevant. Today whenever I feel stressed out , worried or need a direction , I close my eyes, take a deep breath in, breath out pausing in between, repeating a few times ; and then  open my eyes – to compassion , grace and love.

The article is based on author’s experience attending a Yoga course at Art of Living Ashram located in Uvalde, Texas. Ankur Bora  has been practicing Art of living for last few years . He is passionate about Yoga and striving to bring Yoga to the world. Currently he is preparing to celebrate the International Yoga Day in the city of Dallas.